Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fold does not mean stir

When reading recipes it's important not to make assumptions about the instructions. If a term isn't clear it's always a good idea to stop and ask the advice of an experienced cook. Otherwise you might wind up with a tasty but very flat cake.

Normally I would have made a chocolate cake but I wanted my mom to be able to enjoy the cake as well. She doesn't like chocolate. She does like fruit. I settled on some sort of pear spice cake. The recipe seemed pretty straightforward. Mix spices and flour, chop pears, etc. No problem...

The recipe called for egg whites that were at room temperature. I was then to beat the egg whites until stiff peaks formed. The egg peaks would then be folded into the rest of the batter.

My cooking experiences had been quite limited. I didn't know what it meant to fold something into a batter. The recipe didn't explain the technique. I paused for about five seconds.

Now this is the point where a wiser person would have sought help. Unfortunately if I could provide my own answer to a dilemna in a relatively short amount of time, I was certain that I didn't need help. I never even dreamed of asking for help. I KNEW what I was doing. Fold must be synonymous with stir in the cooking world!

It's not. The cake turned out to be about an inch tall. My sister made fun of the cake but also devoured half of it. My mother, after I explained how I had "folded" the egg whites into the cake, gently explained where I'd gone wrong. At least the cake tasted good.

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